Friday, September 14, 2012

Life on the Herb Trail

I've been running the fields and woods trying to get as many samples of local herbs as possible before the frost gets the 'best' of them. So far, I've ID'ed 15 in my local I have a cold and need to stay home and drink sage tea...hoping to feel better for tomorrow's symocast at the church from Beth Moore...

I also found a excellent sample of goldstone on my path...hope you enjoy : )

Gold Stone-
♥ Vitality ♥ Drive ♥ Ambition
Its sparkle is due to flecks of copper.

Chakras - (gold) Sacral Chakra, (blue) Throat Chakra
Typical colours - gold or blue with golden sparkles

Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality.

Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation.

Bathing Ritual

A bath is a ritual for me. I love to light a candle, turn on some soft music and fill my old bath tub with bubbles. The size of the Tub allows me to sit right to my neck in water if I like and comtemplate life in general... I have also been known to fall asleep and wake up in cold water and my dog, Elfie, has rescued me a few times when this has happened by standing beside the tub and barking at me
: )
The Bath Tub was one of the reasons I love the old house I rent. When I was a small child we lived in a home with a similar one. I was allowed to fill it to the brim and 'swim' around, pretending I was a fish. Also there was the assortment of boats, duckies and other float toys of the day to play with. I was usually hauled screaming from a ice cold bath water by my Grand Mother as I never wanted to be taken out of my water playground.

The tradition of a bath is a ancient one dating back before anyone even remembered to write about it. The Romans were famous for their baths, dedicated to their Gods and only certain persons were allowed to take part.Even now people travel world-wide to be healed in salt baths, mud baths and mineral waters.