I often think of my days spent in the community of Kemptville, Nova Scotia. I was a 'town person' when I arrived at age 31 but the kind people of that village soon welcomed me and my young family into their counry life style with kitchen duties at the local suppers and Sunday church services plus Sunday school for my five growing children.
One day I was called by a man living on the Polly road. he told me there was a white spike horn buck eating under his apple tree and wanted me to bring the children to see it. I loaded my three youngest plus my10 year old daughter, Tiffany, into the van and headed out to look. When we arrived, I could see the deer eating apples under a tree in the man's field. The children were excited so I reminded them to keep as quiet as possible as we wouldn't scare the deer. Slowly I and the children started walking towards it. As we approached, it lifted its head and watched. was ahead with my 3 year old, Anna. I held my hand out and the deer stepped towards me, lightly touching my palm. Anna touched his muzzle and then he slowly walked off towards the apples again. What a wonderful; gift to see a wild creature so passive. Our kindness paid off that day, I told the children. A lesson they never forgot...
A bit of lore for you~
If you're someone who has studied a path rooted in Celtic mythology and legend, you know that the white deer (hind or elilid) is a messenger. If you see one, chances are good that the angels are near.Even in early Christianity, the white deer also is associated, in some stories, with Christ himself. The Hind or Eilid Deer represents gentleness, caring and kindness.