Saturday, January 1, 2011

First morning of 2011

   Its 7:40 am on January 1st, 2011...the sun is just peeking from behind the horizion.Theres a mist in the air that is cooling to the bareness of my arms... I look up at the lightning sky , as a crow calls the dawn behind me in the wood. I listen to the sounds of the forest around me starting to wake.Dew drops falling, ...the rustle of leaves as my dog sniffs the freshness of the ground. A New Beginning... I think to myself...

   My first call of the day is from a lady who wants a Spiritual reading. I ask her to come to my home for 10:30am so I will have time to prepare (meditation) and care for my critters.
   I always love how the Universe looks after me. How I feel i am needed...I love to help others who seek the same. Usually they find, as I did, that all we need is with-in our own heart. Look to your center and all the love you want is already inside you ♥