Please read the bottom comments...the supervisor Renata tweedy has left the building...she quit!
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My comments to this article...
March 9, 2011 at 08:40:07 To think the shelter parntners with those trying to help the over population by helping rescuers is false. I recently (September 2010) rescued a feral mother cat who, of course, produced 4 kittens with in days. I raised these cats on my own after the local shelter refused to except them because they 'could' have feline leukimia. Last week I approached a board member to request a cat carrier to take 2 kittens to the vet to be altered and was refused. I had already had mommie fixed in January and a male fixed in february. i did not request any financal support from that shelter. I know for a fact they regularly loan our equipment . Why then was I refused? No answers will ever be given me except that i critizied their no kill policy( they still euthanize regularly at the shelter) and I removed a group from facebook that I created when they demanded I either give it to the or delete it. I deleted it. Why? Because after 13 years of working at the shelter they told me when I left their employment I was no longer allowed to volunteer because staff were 'talking about me'. So thank YOU, Yarmouth SPCA. I gave my best to the animals there.I loved them and often took them home because I couldn't kill them for you. I gave my free time them. I cared 24/7 for them and was on call even when I was off sick. i will never give a dime now to help YOU. I WILL help other rescues because they do care for the PEOPLE who help them, not just the animals.