Friday, August 9, 2013

Nine Universal Laws to Live By

Following is a list of some of the Universal Laws :

  1. The Law of Mind – The condition of your sub-consciousness mind), positive or negative, will determine the condition of your life, positive or negative. A positive, empowering mind will create positive cause leading to positive effect, in turn determining the quality of the situations, circumstances or events in your life.
  2. The Law of Attraction and Thought – The condition of the conscious mind,your thoughts attract to you those things that correspond with the quality of your thoughts, positive or negative. Positive thoughts attract positive situations, circumstances or events. Negative thoughts attract negative situations, circumstances or events. You become what you think. Whatever thoughts you entertain over a period of time (in your conscious mind) will eventually settle as beliefs (in your subconscious mind) and will control the outcome of your life. The only way to change dis-empowering beliefs into empowering beliefs is to discontinue keeping your mind busy with dis-empowering thoughts and deliberately start thinking empowering thoughts.
  3. The Law of Belief – Whatever your belief about anything (in your subconscious mind) will eventually create according to that belief (according to the Law of Attraction). Essentially, your beliefs consist of your internal dialogue – what you inadvertently say to yourself about the situation – and your imagination – the picture you inadvertently hold in your mind about the situation. One way in which you can become aware of your beliefs is by observing your reality and paying attention to what comes out of your mouth.
  4. The Law of Expectation – Whatever you expect (created by the belief in your subconscious mind) will create according to the expectation. Do not confuse expectation (which is subconscious) with wants and wishes. Wants and wishes very seldom come true as they are usually based on a sense of lack, which according to the Law of Attraction will create more lack. Every person has expectations, whether of something positive or negative, creating circumstance, situations or events accordingly.
  5. The Law of Acceptance – There is a saying, "whatever you resist will persist". The reason for this is that whatever you focus on will remain, as focus feeds any situation with energy. Acceptance, not to be confused with capitulation or denial, but a conscious decision to accept the fact that something is the way that it is without attributing value to it, takes the focus off the situation, making it subject to change.
  6. The Law of Focus – Whatever you focus on in your thinking, positive or negative, is what you continue feeding energy. The object of your focus becomes magnified and will remain. Instead, acknowledge the presence of the situation with the understanding that it is subject to change and move your focus on what you desire. The moment you remove you focus from the negative situation, you allow for change in the situation. By focusing on what you desire, according to the Law of Attraction, you will create more of what you are focusing on.
  7. The Law of Forgiveness or Release – Unforgiveness holds you to the person or situation you won't forgive or release – you are the one that suffers. Forgiveness simply implies letting go of the emotion attached to the issue. You know that you have forgiven when you can think of the person or event without feeling the negative emotion.
  8. The Law of Love – Love (unconditional acceptance) is always reciprocal. The more you love, not necessarily only the experiencing of the emotion, but the acceptance of the person as created in the image and likeness of God (separating the persons' actions from their being), the more you will be loved in the same way. 
  9. The Law of Gratitude -Whatever you are grateful for for, you will experience more of. The Laws of Focus and Attraction work together in this instance. Starting the day with an Attitude of Gratitude sets the mood for a positive experience for the rest of the day, in spite of perceived negative situations.

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