Wednesday, November 28, 2012

St John's Wort Tincture

I was going thru the fridge and found my St John's Wort Tincture I done up in the Fall today. Opening the lid, I sniffed the aroma of summer still present from the pickled blossoms soaking in vinegar. Not only was St John's Wort used as medicine for the last 2000 + years, suggested to drive away evil spirits and good for you but the pickled blossoms taste nice beside roasted pork or beef. It’s been used for centuries for healing among the natives. They gather they root and flowers to dry for winter to treat everything from colds to blood associated diseases (like AIDS) being a natural anti-bacterial,anti-viral and it’s also a natural antibiotic. It should be remembered, though, that antibiotics should only be used for 7-10 days, other-wise they can become toxic in the human body. I do have personal ideas as its use as an AIDS drug as it would have to be used long term. There are also other natural herb healers that would be beneficial for this disease as the body would need a period of 'cooling' after a 'hot' herb treatment like St John's Wort.For me, I like to take a table-soon once a week once the weather drop below 0c as it helps build immunity to colds/flu up for my slow metolism.It also will help the body eliminate and parasites that one may have come in contact with. Not enough people treat for this and parasites are one of the leading causes of death in the northern hemisphere because Doctors hardly ever check for them, blaming other diseases for illness.’s John's Wort herb can be taken as a blossom tea or tincture as the most useful. Here is my recipe for a simple tincture. Keep in the fridge. It will stay potent for 3 months from date of mixture. I usually collect my fresh blossoms in late September. Dry blossoms can be used to make more. If you dry blossoms, keep in brown paper bag in dry place, being sure they are not moldy when used as they will not be good for healing.

St John's Wort Tincture

*pint-sized Mason jar
*St John's wort blossoms
*vinegar or vodka

In a pint size Mason jar place blossoms to fill to 1/2 inch below rim, Fill with apple cider, white vinegar or vodka to cover blossoms. Leave on sideboard for 3 days then keep in fridge. Can be used right away if wanted.Take one tablespoon a day. After 3 months, replace with a fresh batch.
(Note- dried blossoms can be used the same way.)

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