Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Again...the people are ignored...

A long year for those who worked on the CAT Ferry, Yarmouth's ferry service to the USA and still our Provincal Goverment refuses to provide Yarmouth with ferry service from here to the USA. Towns and communities in South-West Nova continue to suffer from the loss of income because of this. Business have closed, people have lost their jobs and many have had to leave their homes because they could not afford to stay.
Sad... Why do they forget us? I know I pay my taxes so don't I have a right to be hear by my Provincal Goverment on issues concerning me? Apparently meetings have been held with NO notice to the public so they could attend and give voice to this issue. I ask that you read this facebook group wall then write, fax or call to give your concerns to those who choose to ignore people in need...

Yarmouth Ferry...the real truth

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